2020. 1. 23. 01:46ㆍReact/React 설정
Node.js 설치
- LTS 버젼 설치
- 설치 후 확인 : node -v
다운로드 | Node.js
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
yarn 설치 (패키지관리 툴)
- 설치 후 확인 : yarn --version
(*) npm 설치해도 되지만, 여기선 더 빠른 yarn 설치
Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
에디터 설치 (리액트 앱 에디터 : VSCode)
- 실행 후 확장 프로그램 설치 (Ctrl + Shift + X)
1) ESLint
2) Reactjs Code Snippets
3) Prettier-Code formatter
4) eclipse keymap
Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows
Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows. Download Visual Studio Code to experience a redefined code editor, optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.
Git 설치
Git - Downloads
Downloads Mac OS X Windows Linux/Unix Older releases are available and the Git source repository is on GitHub. GUI Clients Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific